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Visual mobile site building tool / wap creator Register
XtGem.com is a visual mobile site building tool. No programming experience required!
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Want to get more out of XtGem? We support PHP, as well as other advanced functionality.

...and join our other 1 601 000+ users!

Unlimited disk space and unlimited bandwidth, no commitment

"A truly unique experience. A set of sleek, simple and powerful tools, the dreamweaver of the web." FrostyMarvelous
"Xtgem is a unique wap creator with lots of distinguishing features. Like free unlimited space, easy to use, accessible via mobile phone. and much more!" Oluchi88
Blog post Next up: Revamped WEB version
It has been quite a year since we incorporated last October - we have completely re-written the backend (the inner workings) of XtGem, introduced paid options, opened the widget marketplace, launched a rich mobile version, re-worked the standard mobile interface and as a result of all the hard work we put in, XtGem's traffic more than quadrupled! We have now spent the past month working on the... Read more